Hey all!
If you're involved in online education, as a teacher or a student, you're no doubt familiar with the anxiety one feels when materials that are supposed to be available, aren't. That's my situation this morning. My cataloguing professor was supposed to have our first assignment available for revisions yesterday after he completed grading. Well, 24 hours later (except for about 15 minutes last night) they're still not there.
Meanwhile, my classmates and I are waiting to see what will happen. Some of us (including me) have moved on to the next unit (Dewey Decimal Classification), a system with which most of us have much greater familiarity. We even have an OCLC resource called WebDewey, which, as the name implies, has the 4-volume Dewey instruction manual online, complete with subdivision tables. It's a wonderfully handy resource, and when it was available in print, it came in an abridged version.
Well, in the words of Dorothy Parker, "no good deed goes unpunished". According to Dr. Maccaferri, it turns out that the OCLC no longer provides the on-line abridged edition--SO--our professor changed the assignment to reflect (I hope) the new paradigm (the long version of WebDewey). The mind reels.
Cantoring at Noon Mass, taking daughter to mandolin lesson at 230, meeting with SPSO librarian at 4 to go over music, and THEN more progress on homework.No rest for the weary.
It's not all bad. My Library Management class is providing some "Harry Shearer's 'le show'"-worthy guffaws courtesy of our current class assignment--to read a number of job ads seeking library managers or directors, compile the data and report back (APA format, of course). I don't want to give anything away, but Dilbert is just around the corner (cubicle). Cheers.
*--Easy, Lionel Richie, 1977.
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