Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Esprit de Corps*

I think I'm finally getting the hang of this strong leadership business.  Fruit doesn't always come the first day or week, or month or year.  But it comes, and we can celebrate it for the wonderful things it brings.

Last Monday I was informed by my older daughter that she was seriously considering signing up for the National Guard when she turned 17.  Where did this come from, I asked?  She told me in serious tones that she had listened to one of the speakers during business camp and that he had said, "work for a cause, not for applause"--and for her, I guess that meant military service.  Her grandfather De Kok would be proud.

Last night my younger daughter made the decision to attend our local high school for all four years rather than the charter school she had attended for the last five. She wants the opportunities in the arts she's seen her brother take advantage of over the last two years.  The Music teachers at our high school are chomping at the bit to get her.  They even asked us if DJ had any younger siblings and looked crestfallen when I told them last spring that there would be no more De Koks coming through.

So I lied.

Interview for tech position at Slippery Rock tomorrow at two. Onward.

*--Robert Jager, Marks/Leonard Publishers, 1983.

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