Monday, September 21, 2015

A Day in the Life #2: World Meeting of Families, Philadelphia

Today's rehearsal will cover the music we're singing/chanting at tomorrow's opening Mass at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Center City.  I'm assuming the Archbishop will preside with numerous co-presiders.

The Music, you ask?

Parry: I was Glad (Prelude)
Gouin: Sound the Bell of Holy Freedom (commissioned for the 2015 WMOF)
     (This one reminds me of Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken by Haydn)
Gouin: Kyrie and Gloria from Mass of SS Peter and Paul
Alstott: Responsorial--Psalm 122
Chepponis: Good News Acclamation
Latona: Look up and Count the Stars on High (commissioned for the 2015 WMOF)
     (This one reminds me of Gordon Jacob's setting of the 23rd Psalm, commonly known as "Brother James' Air")
Proulx: Sanctus from A Community Mass
Kolar: Cordero de Dios from Misa Luna
St. Meinrad Archabbey: Communion Antiphon--Ps. 33
Janco: Draw Near!
Cruger/arr. Rutter: Now Thank We All Our God
Karg-Elert/arr. McChesney: Nun danket alle Gott (Postlude)

It's been quite a challenge preparing all the little bits here and there. Some bits are far more substantial (Parry) than others (Janco, Cruger/Rutter) but it's all good.  As I've been singing, I don't think that there's been a weak piece in the bunch, or one where I grit my teeth and smile till it's over. When it's over I'll let you know how it went.  Singing in the Convention Center will not be a challenge, but listening and hearing my fellow singers will be. Focus, Focus, Focus!!!

Saints Cecilia and Gregory, pray for us!


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