I was beyond THRILLED when I checked in on PRISM's numbers for the last few days. I've clearly been preaching to the wrong choir with the wrong message. That it took one slow-cooking rant to bring it on isn't important. What IS important is that I may have just found my audience.
To fill in the uninformed: my last post described a scene and situation at my home parish. I told my DOM that I would provide him a list of hymns I preferred to do.
Using OCP's extremely helpful (quit laughing, it is very helpful) Music Finder online, I was able to compile a "four-hymn sandwich" for each weekend, feast, and solemnity in the Heritage Missal between the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time and Christ the King Sunday. I know, ideally we're supposed to be using antiphons, chant, etc., but one step at a time). In some cases , I was able to search by Scripture passage for the readings and responses; others, I had to take a more broad theme for the readings, Some weekends were extraordinarily difficult, others, not so much.
Here's 14 OT through 24 OT, inclusive. Tell me what you think. I'm not going to get all thin-skinned on you; in fact I may even get feisty.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
O God, Our Help in Ages past (#528)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (#262)
Taste and See (#396)
Sent Forth by God’s Blessing (#548)
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (#315)
The King of Love my Shepherd Is (#440)
Pan de Vida (bilingual) (#395)
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (#312)
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Church’s One Foundation (#436)
Seek Ye First (#525)
I heard the voice of Jesus say (#439)
Rejoice, the Lord is King (#308)
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (#487)
Christ, be our light (#517)
Blest Are They (#478)
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (#438)
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
O God, our help in ages past (#528)
Seek Ye First (#525)
Pan de Vida (bilingual) (#395)
Praise to the Lord (#487)
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (#460)
Faith of our Fathers (#509)
Gift of Finest Wheat (#388)
For All the Saints (#306)
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The King of Love My Shepherd is (#440)
God, We Praise You (#480)
Gift of Finest Wheat (#388)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (#504)
Assumption BVM (August 14/15)
Immaculate Mary (#320)
Sing of Mary (#326)
I Received the Living God (#383)
Hail holy Queen (#328)
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
All People that on Earth do dwell (#372)
Holy, Holy, Holy (#295)
I Received the Living God (#383)
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (#482)
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
God, We Praise You (#480)
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (#439)
Lead Me, Lord (#479)
Praise to the Lord (#487)
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
I know that My Redeemer Lives (#263)
How Firm a Foundation (#303)
I Received the Living God (#383)
Praise to the Lord (#487)
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (#438)
We Walk by Faith (#507)
One Bread, One Body (#381)
Rejoice, the Lord is King (#308)
In the interest of full disclosure, yes, this list probably sounds Lutheran because I grew up in the LCMS. We used the red 1941 hymnal (and the blue one before that). You can take the boy out of the LCMS but you can't take the LCMS (completely) out of the boy--but I would sleep better knowing that I gave my fellow Catholics better music to sing at Mass.
25OT to Christ the King Sunday to follow.
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