Saturday, December 1, 2012


Nothing profound today--mostly musings of a procrastinational nature.

1)The country count for readers of this blog is up to nine with the addition of Hungary yesterday and France today.  Sure wish they'd leave comments, even if they don't think their English is up to snuff.  I'm always so excited to see new faces.  It'd be even MORE exciting to hear new voices, too!

2) That much closer to an A for the semester in Management class with grades in for my book review (The Accidental Library Manager by Rachel Singer Gordon) and webinar review (New Faces in Library Management).  Also completed Turning the Page, a PLA-sponsored webinar on advocacy.  Cataloging is another story.  More about that another time.  After all, this page is about CELBRATION!

3) My youngest daughter turned 13 today--three teenagers in the house now (BLECH!) but they're cool kids. 

4) Natalie has a concert with the Kennett Symphony Children's Chorus accompanied by--you guessed it--the Kennett Symphony Orchestra, Mary Woodmansee Green, music director and conductor.

Back to my Management final...Cheers.

*--Ronald Bell and Kool & the Gang, Celebrate!, 1980

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