Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Leader of the Band*

I just came home from my son's HS band concert.  I'm not going to spend time here critiquing the performance--Mr. Trujillo, the band's director, did a fine job with his assembled forces.  Rather, it was news that I received from a fellow band parent and Scouter--that Jeff Scott, longtime Troop committee chair, had passed away this morning.  I blush to confess that I don't know how he became wheelchair-bound; I can only talk about how he kept coming to parent/leader meetings and quietly taking charge until he simply couldn't any more.  He truly cared about the boys and about Scouting and I know he'll be missed.  As troop committee co-chair (and now chair) I have big shoes to fill, but I'll find my way.

"The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old, but his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul;
My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man, I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band".


*--Dan Fogelberg, The Innocent Age, 1981.

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