Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Be Prepared, part 2*

Thursday, May 9, 2013 will be a day I remember for better or for worse.  No, it's not my wedding anniversary.  It's the day I decided to act on one of the biggest imponderables in my life--whether or not to continue in a leadership position in the Boy Scouts of America.

I started in Cub Scouts in the late 1960's, and continued through Boy Scouts in the mid-1970's, when girls and sports captured my attention.  My son is one merit badge and his Project away from making Eagle.  He'd be the first on my side of the family and the fourth on my wife's side.

I'll put off writing the rest until after the vote tomorrow. You know which vote.

UPDATE: Gay Scouts are in, Gay Leaders still out.  Vote split 60-40 in favor of the resolution. I still contend it was a dumb proposal, and that we'll be going through this again in less than three years and allow gay leaders.

*--Tom Lehrer, Songs by Tom Lehrer, 1963.

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