Friday, October 6, 2017

A man called Ove*

*--Okay, so this isn't a song title--it's a book title and the title of a Swedish film, AND an upcoming feature film starring Tom Hanks. Get off of my lawn ya durn kids, ya!

I used to work for a company named Agway, no longer in existence.  I had a boss whose name was Bill Jager--lovely wife Barbara and three beautiful daughters--maybe 10 years older than me when I first started at the company, and he would rant about how people would know so little about the things they spent the most money on (houses and cars) or how to fix them.

Bill Jager, you were right.

I'm sick to death of people who buy electronic devices for hundreds or thousands of dollars then expect me to fix their problems without seeing the device or what it's doing wrong (or they're doing wrong). I still have to smile and sound cheerful like it isn't the 10000th time I've been asked today. Glad they can't see eyerolls and facepalms on the telephone.

Rant over. Time to hit the reference desk.

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