Friday, October 12, 2012

Pick Yourself Up*

I am beyond tired right now.  I've spent the last hour and a half working about a dozen cataloging problems.  Were any of them perfect? No.  Some had errors as tiny as using "in" instead of "during", or going one step too far on a Cutter number. My biggest errors were in LCC, where fatigue played a factor.  I wasn't quite thorough enough and didn't find the right number (five more minutes when I 'm less tired would have done it).  I'm still not where I need to be but I'm learning the ropes--and I think that that's the point at this point in my career. I am making progress.

Management continues to be a cross to bear--a LOT of work, a lot more than I had for LS550 (Intro to Research)--and that was a four-week class, not fourteen.  I just have to remember that I'm eating an elephant--and to do it one bite at a time.  Eyelids heavy. Going to bed.

*Jerome Kern and Dorothy Fields, Swing Time, 1936

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